What is The Divine Consciousness

What is The Divine Consciousness?

Uncovering the mysteries of the Divine Consciousness: the source of existence that reveals insights into the true knowledge of the soul, the universe, and our irreplaceable role in this endless dance of existence.


Introduction to The Divine Consciousness

Consciousness is the foundation of life and existence itself. Consciousness and existence are one and the same: existence is what we witness externally, while consciousness is experienced as our essence or soul. It is only due to the nature of our mind’s functioning that we distinguish between the two, external and internal. By transcending the mind, we come to the Divine Consciousness – which is actually our essence, our own soul.

The Divine Consciousness is here and now, but the mind’s action is such that it projects consciousness into a virtual reality, so that the vast majority of human beings are not here and now – not living in the present moment. If they were to exist fully in the present moment, then the Divine Consciousness would automatically reveal itself to them. The Divine Consciousness is realized through transcending the lower mind, resting in a psycho-physical state where there is no language, no words, no verbal existence; that is, in the pure presence of oneself as such, without any mental projections. Only in such silence is the divine consciousness realized in the individual.


How is The Divine Consciousness Revealed?

Human beings are a microcosm. All cosmic laws are condensed and contained within the human being. The universe is a hologram where each part contains and reflects the whole. Quantum physics has established that all nature is essentially energy that acts as matter only in the presence of a conscious observer. Thus, when the observer is not conscious, the entire physical world disappears – the way it does in deep, dreamless sleep.

The Absolute is all that exists. Nothing is possible outside of it. The Absolute is divine wholeness. The human soul is the conscious subject of objective existence. The human soul is an individual emanation of the Divine Whole. Therefore, the soul is not a psycho-energetic creation that appears and disappears along with the body. The soul is individualized divine consciousness, part of the same divine consciousness that enables physical life and all of nature.

Only through transcendence of the lower mind do we come to our higher mind, which is joyful, happy, blissful, and ecstatic in every moment, thus revealing the Divine Consciousness to us. The lower mind, by nature and purpose, is limited to the bodily senses. The divine consciousness cannot be revealed through it, for it is not intended for such a purpose.


What is the Structure of The Divine Consciousness?

Structure of The Divine Consciousness

The basic structure of the divine consciousness that enables everything in the human being is this:

  1. Soul Consciousness (which remains transcendental and only partially embodied).
  2. The Higher Mind (or higher ‘I’, which connects the physical body with the divine soul consciousness).
  3. Consciousness of the Physical Mind (or Ego, placed in the brain of the physical body).

The higher mind (2) has a higher and broader perspective. It sees every event from a higher dimension, in a broader context, and therefore provides greater information to the lower, physical mind or Ego (3), which has a very limited perspective, observing only what is perceived by the physical senses. Such information provided by the higher mind to the physical mind arrives as inspiration, intuition, or sudden insight into reality but may also come through dreams when the physical mind is suppressed and the higher mind acts more easily. In this way, the higher mind connects our physical mind or Ego with our soul consciousness..

All human religious and mystical experiences reflect this connection of the physical or empirical mind with soul consciousness by way of the higher mind.

All human growth in consciousness and awareness is an expansion of the presence of soul consciousness in the body. Although the soul does not become fully embodied, it may increase its presence in a body to the point where the body turns to light. More commonly, a greater presence of soul consciousness is seen as kindness, love, wisdom, or enlightenment.

Soul consciousness and our higher mind become stronger through discipline; above all, through the discipline of meditation. Through meditation and a positive attitude towards life, we approach the consciousness that is at the core of our life – our soul consciousness. In truth, no other consciousness exists. It is one and the same divine consciousness in everything but in us becomes individually expressed. If we accept everything with a positive attitude and express this through ourself, then we come closer to the one consciousness that enables everything. In this way, we also come closer to understanding everything about ourself, the world, and our soul.


How does the Divine Consciousness Manifest in Everyday Life?

The Divine Consciousness in everyday life manifests through various aspects of our existence and interaction with the external world. A few key ways it is manifested:

Maintaining inner peace: At the heart of every challenge, maintaining a peaceful center within ourselves allows us to respond to situations with love, patience, and understanding, instead of reacting impulsively.

Intuition and inspiration: The Divine Consciousness communicates with us through intuition and inspiration, guiding our actions and decisions in alignment with our higher purpose.

Deep empathy and compassion: A heightened sense of empathy and compassion for all beings, understanding their suffering, and feeling compelled to help alleviate it.

Living in the present moment: The Divine Consciousness is accessed by being fully present in the moment and engaging deeply with our current activities and experiences.

Creativity and innovation: The Divine Consciousness fosters creativity and innovation, allowing us to express our unique talents and gifts in service to the world.

Awareness of interconnectedness: Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life, leading to a sense of unity and oneness with all that exists.

Ethical living and sustainability: Encouraging an ethical lifestyle that honors the sanctity of life and promotes sustainability and harmony with nature.

In conclusion, the Divine Consciousness is the ultimate realization of our true essence, transcending the limitations of the physical mind to experience oneness with the universe. It is through discipline, meditation, and a positive outlook on life that we cultivate and strengthen this divine presence within us, leading to a life of greater peace, wisdom, and fulfillment.


Are there specific exercises and techniques for achieving The Divine Consciousness?

Exercises for achieving The Divine Consciousness

Connecting with the Divine Consciousness through our higher mind or higher Self can be a transformative and enlightening experience. It can lead one toward a deeper understanding of their true nature and spiritual potential. Meditation has always served this purpose well.

The essence of true meditation is psychic objectivity and the insight that we are not actually a created being (i.e., not a part of prakriti – not the body, not our feelings, not our mental contents, and not the mind itself). Rather, we are the source of pure consciousness that enables the body, feelings, mind, and being, including existence (purusha) itself.

Meditation begins with differentiating the contents of consciousness from consciousness itself, (i.e., existence itself), which means establishing “who” is aware. This ends when we recognize our Self as the one who creates everything. Then, we become one with all creation because everything is one whole. We become this unity because we are the intersection of the creator of everything with all of its creation. Only in us can everything be consciously united. We are the complete embodiment of everything – everything achieves embodiment through us.

The essence of meditation is stillness. Meditation is practiced by sitting quietly. This is known as zazen meditation (Shikantaza).

Meditation is an act of remaining calmer than everything that happens or moves, i.e., thoughts, feelings, or bodily motion. Thus, we become the witness to everything.

Only in this way do we come to the insight that we are not any ‘thing’ that happens. We are the outcome and meaning of all that happens. That ultimate outcome lies in the Divine Consciousness of ‘I am’.

Sitting in meditation for half an hour twice a day, morning and evening is necessary only to convince ourselves we are not anything physically manifested. Our essence exists beyond anything so manifested, beyond the body and the mind, and we are essentially the pure consciousness that enables the body, the mind, and all that is manifested. In a state of complete mental stillness and alertness, even if for a moment, we experience this conviction. To experience this, however, complete stillness of being is absolutely necessary and nothing else is required. Once we discover, even momentarily, our essence beyond all manifestations, we begin to awaken our transcendental essence. Henceforth, this is our only aim – to expand and affirm that timeless moment through a practice of regular meditation in all aspects of life because it represents the source of life. Through meditation, we strengthen our awareness of the timeless present as our one true reality. Everything we thought was life or passionately aspired to is only a loss of Self in time, i.e., death by dreaming.

The witness is the soul consciousness by which we are aware of everything; above all, our self as thoughts, body, and feelings. This proves that soul consciousness lies beyond the small self; that we are in it, not it in us. This is true existence, not as we know it subjectively through our mind and senses, but as it is objectively, often described as the quantum field, akasha, or the space that enables everything in existence. This is a person’s Self, Atman, soul, or awareness of Self.


Is direct experience of the Divine Consciousness accessible to all people?

Is experience of the Divine Consciousness accessible to all

Although the Divine Consciousness is all around and within us (since the Divine Consciousness is the source of everything), most people do not share this direct insight because they identify with their lower mind, which is naturally divided and non-objective. On this planet, roughly 90 percent of people embody young souls, while the remaining 10 percent are middle-developed or old souls.

The most common problem for young souls is their emotional and intellectual immaturity, i.e., their inability to understand life experiences through higher insights. Young souls need to live these experiences to gain understanding, both those of the greatest good and those of the greatest suffering or evil. One of the biggest problems for young souls is imagining they are more spiritually mature than they really are, thus becoming overly conceited. Spiritual teachings mention such pride or hubris as the biggest obstacle to one’s spiritual growth and maturation.

Young souls are more concerned with the external world and their experiences in that world than with knowing their own being through changing and perfecting themselves. Direct experience of the Divine Consciousness is possible only through self-work and meditation, but young souls are not interested in meditation – only middle-developed and old souls are drawn to it.

Thus, most people in this world, inhabited by young souls, cannot directly experience the Divine Consciousness because they possess the smallest degree of soul presence, and therefore, the least presence of objective consciousness of the higher dimensions of existence. (More regarding the characteristics of young, middle, and old souls on Earth can be found in my book – Soul Guide on Planet Earth.)


Are animals aware of the presence of the Divine Consciousness?

The Divine Consciousness manifests through all forms of existence, including animals. In the animal form of life, the divine consciousness experiences movement and use of the physical senses. Animal species are categorized by the senses they have and how they move. Only the human uses all the senses and performs all possibilities of action. In addition, the human has a mind that can synthesize experience into meaning, including that of their actions, events, and existence itself. Thus, humans create new possibilities beyond those of the bodily senses.


Can a once-attained state of the Divine Consciousness be lost?

Even if the state of the divine consciousness is once or occasionally attained during meditative practice or through strong inspiration or revelation, it can still be forgotten. Over time, the memory of it may return, and the search for it will likely continue. However, the only way to permanently retain the divine consciousness is to cease all efforts to retain it. Such efforts cease only when our insight matures enough to recognize it is always and everywhere in existence. That is, we lose the presence of the divine consciousness only when we distinguish it as something different from ourselves, other beings, or existence itself.


What is the recommended literature on the topic of better understanding and connecting with the Divine Consciousness?

All ancient texts that speak of the soul and self-knowledge, whether from the East or the West. These include almost all the Gitas from Indian tradition, the teachings of Samkhya, Platonic philosophy, and Hermeticism from Hellenism.



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