
Soul Sees Love in Everything

The Ego Argues, the Soul Sees Love in Everything

A human being is like a bridge connecting two worlds – animal instinct and the divine consciousness. Like an animal, one can be consumed by the survival instinct, devoid of spiritual culture and unaware of oneself, but at the same time, akin to the divine, fully aware of oneself and one’s unity with existence.

Psychotherapy Does Not Help

Psychotherapy Does Not Help in the Fulfillment of a Person

Classical psychotherapy essentially changes nothing in a person. It does not create a new person, does not bring lasting peace, and does not lead the individual to the perspective of a higher “Self” to contemplate the plan of their soul for the current incarnation.

Spirituality Without Religion

Spirituality Without Religion

True spirituality occurs outside the confines of organized religion. No religion aids in the individualization of the human being. That’s why organized religion is not truly religion; it’s politics.

Manifesting Abundance in Life

Manifesting Abundance in Life

Most people fail to attain their desired abundance using the Law of Attraction due to misunderstanding and being overwhelmed by information from numerous “experts” with their “magic formulas” for success.

Cultivating Inner Peace

Cultivating Inner Peace

Achieving inner peace is a journey that takes us beyond the superficial noise of everyday life, deep into the timeless core of our being. Once we reach inner silence, external noise ceases to be a disturbing factor; it becomes irrelevant.


Self-awareness is the Only Wealth

To know oneself means to find true wealth. Alone, we feel lost, like beggars. However, by discovering our solitude, we truly awaken.

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