Soul Guide On Planet Earth

Soul Guide On Planet Earth

A completely new review of the soul is now derived from a common inheritance of the ancient heritage and mysticism, as well as the personal experiences of the author.

The question of the soul is the oldest question asked by man. All the answers to the questions about soul exist both in an individual and a collective experience, but they were hidden away from man in various ways.

The knowledge of the soul was concealed by religions and science; religions executed this task  through endless, futile and diverse theologies, myths and religious conflicts, and science hid it behind the materialistic teaching, saying that the soul is a kind of psycho-energetic entity which appears and disappears together with the appearance and disappearance of the body.

The reason for hiding the true nature of human soul is to keep the man unconscious and trapped by  ignorance regarding his true nature. You are already familiar with the fact that there have always been small number of rulers in this world who ruled over the vast majority of people who obeyed them blindly.

They exist nowadays as well, and it is not in their best interest to awaken people's consciousness about the true nature of their soul, becoming aware of the fact that it originated from the same divine consciousness that enables everything into existence, the entire cosmos, which is the basis for an intelligent design of all life, that human souls have before their incarnation into the physical body participated in the creation of the whole nature, this planet Earth, all the elements and all the life on it. This is the true nature of our soul.

However, life on this planet for a man is organized in such a way that he participates in the great oblivion of awareness of his own divine soul, thus involving himself in trying out all the opposites. The purpose of  forgetting is that through the renewal of consciousness the very soul of man renews the divine consciousness itself, so it could be present in this world.

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About the Book

The divine Absolute as everything-that-is expresses itself as the everything-that-can-be. It does so by means of the process of individuation. The first individuation of the awareness of the Absolute itself is the monad of consciousness known to us as the soul. Souls are monads of consciousness of the divine Absolute, its individual emanation or manifesting.

These monads of divine consciousness or souls create all the potential life forms in order to be able to express all the potentials of the divine Absolute. They create cosmos and all the life in it.

Every soul individualizes further so as to experience all the possibilities of life in a finer and more accurate way. The final or the finishing individuation of the awareness of the soul takes place in the shape of man’s being and life.

Individual souls get incarnated and begin to gather various impressions while going through the drama of life on Earth and the consciousness of those impressions they bring back to the divine Absolute is awareness of the very existence, in the form of its awareness of itself. At the end of the reincarnation cycle, once they have learnt the very meaning of the existence, souls go back to their source, to what they actually are, to the divine Absolute, although this is what they have been all along during the course of their illusory existence, for nothing at all is possible outside the divine Absolute. Everything is merely it itself. In the soul of man this knowing is manifested in its strongest and purest way.


Table of contents:

  • The origin, or where we come from
  • The manifestation of everything through seven phases or proportions
  • Manifestation of everything through five dimensions
  • Human body is the outcome of the manifestation of all the proportions and dimensions
  • The dual nature of the emanation of God: the oblivion and the awakening
  • Organic life as the foundation of the human body
  • Human body as the foundation of personality
  • The complete personality as the foundation of the soul
  • The organic world as the stage for the drama of the personality
  • Personality as the personification of the Divine
  • Divine as the foundation of the soul
  • The presence of the Divine as a testimony
  • The mechanical manifestation of the organic world
  • The manifestation of the organic world as the basis for consciousness
  • The circle of creation: inorganic world, organic world and man
  • On the incarnations of souls before the organic life on Earth
  • The division of souls: the young, developed and highly developed
  • Souls get ready for a human life by shaping all other forms of life
  • Soul being born in a body
  • The beginning of oblivion
  • Communication between mind and soul
  • Why the soul is always good
  • Why some people are not good
  • The decline of soul – the opposite point on the circle of Divine manifestation
  • Some of the characteristics and problems of young souls
  • Some of the characteristics and problems of the medium developed souls
  • Some characteristics and problems of highly developed souls
  • Some of the observations of the young, medium and the highly developed souls
  • Everyday life of Bringers of the light
  • Planets condition the organic world
  • Soul and karma
  • Soul and science
  • Soul and religion
  • Three kinds of work: physical, intellectual and intending
  • Work on oneself
  • Man’s testimony of the presence of the Divine
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Series: Existence - Consciousness - Bliss, Book 9
Genres: Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Spiritual
Tags: self-esteem, self-help, Soul, spiritual
Publisher: Independently published
Publication Year: 2017
Format: Paperback (6 x 0.4 x 9 inches) & Kindle
Length: 190 pages
ISBN: 9781978043947

List Price: $12.00 USD
eBook Price: $7.00 USD
About the Author
Ivan Antic

Ivan Antic is the author of a dozen books on Samkhya, soul and consciousness, meditation, true history, astrology, and the law of attraction. He has developed a unique approach by combining ancient teachings and modern science. His works explore the relationship between the human soul and physical reality, emphasizing the importance of science and ethics in manifesting divine consciousness. He has been a practitioner of the "Fourth Way" and Shikantaza Zen meditation for over 40 years.

"If you are accustomed to the beautiful and inspirational descriptions of the souls here you will find an even more accurate and more beautiful description. If you know that this world is a rough and dangerous place, you will find out why it is as it is. This book is like a ridiculous roller coaster ride between heaven and hell, from the most inspiring definitions of the soul that create all life to the very reason of the existence of wars, satanic rituals and the disappearance of many children in the world. All of this will be more clear to you in the light of the soul described here."
– M.G., reviewer from site
"An amazing blend of ultimate opposites. On the one hand, it is a description of the soul that is out of the ordinary, that does not flirt with religious concepts but simply represents the soul as the divine consciousness that makes it all possible. On the other hand, it is a completely realistic view of the world which we live in, breaking all the ever-present concepts of human society. After all, the crucial role of the soul in a man who is confronted with such a world is clearly revealed."
– Palit, reviewer from site
"This book provides surprising original insights into the soul question and its role in this world, revealing the meaning of many controversies. The text is somewhat complicated to read and occasionally provocative for the widely accepted opinions regarding people and the world we live in, which some will not like, but one thing is certain: this book remains unforgettable and launches researches that would not have been launched without it."
– K.C., reviewer from site
"This book was like a final puzzle piece for me. After having a near death experience a number of years ago and questioning every possible explanation for what I had experienced, this book pretty much confirmed what I believed deep down all along. If you are interested in learning about the soul, the reason and purpose for life, why there is suffering in the world if there 'really is a god up there' then read this book!"
– Jessica, reviewer from site
"This is the realism about the soul. While the science either neglects and minimizes the soul to some material, energetic and psychological phenomena, and the religion glorifies and mystifies it, here is a realistic view of what the soul is, regardless of all other displays. Perhaps somebody will be bothered by the suggestiveness of the author, but in the end, you get the impression that he really knows what he is talking about."
– Barb, reviewer from site
"I have read many books on Spirituality. But nothing was complete and lucidly enlightening as this book. Every word contains wholeness and fulfillment. It is not an intellectual experience but a deep sharing by the author of his personal experience with vast learning and decades of meditative efforts."
– Justine, author of the book "Actual Freedom - Made Easy", reviewer from site
"Despite your religion, beliefs, academic formation and/or social environment, you'll find this book a real manual to trace human nature to its very beginning until now...and more."
– Carlos, reviewer from site
At first it was difficult and heavy, though something prompted me to continue no matter what. It became easier, lighter and more interesting, till the point where a lot of things are clear and frankly obtainable. Thank you Ivan Antic for this mind opening.
– reviewer from site
"This is the most helpful and important spiritual books I have had the pleasure of reading."
– Sam, reviewer from site
"Your guide and helping hand in understanding your inner world and the world around you better!"
– Olga, reviewer from site
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