Does the secret work in real life

Does “The Secret” Work In Real Life Or Is It Just Very Clever Marketing?

What you are not being told about “The Secret” & Law of Attraction? Why the authors of the book and the movie “The Secret” have not revealed the whole truth and left out the most essential part of the mystery hidden behind?


The hidden mystery of “The Secret”

The merchants who produced the book and the film “The Secret” did not reveal the whole secret. They left out the true mystery of the secret’s action incomplete. Sharing the sacred part of “The Secret” they haven’t mentioned the esoteric part, without which the secret does not work.

When it comes to the precondition of the action of “The Secret” or The Law of Attraction, the most important thing should be clarified first. The basic prerequisite for a successful attraction or the achievement of the goal is to remove the negative elements from our subconscious mind. They are the primary cause of the state that we want to change.

All of our attempts to attract something will be in vain if we don’t remove the cause that led us to the situation we want to change. The best way to achieve it is meditation. It reinforces the presence of consciousness which itself discloses and dissolves the negative contents of our subconscious.


Meditation – the essential part of the present moment realization

By meditating, we become aware of the subconscious and therefore we automatically cleanse it. We don’t need to do anything else. By the very act of becoming aware of something, we put it under control.

The only real meditation through which we become objectively aware of our subconscious is the practice described in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali and the Buddhist meditation which developed from the same source. Only these meditation techniques deal with the mind as it is, in its entirety and its transcendence. All other meditation practices deal with the manipulations of the mind itself, or with some of the contents of the mind, and do not bring the realization of transcendence.

The essence of the Law of Attraction also lies in skipping the usual order of causation, which provides the cause for the consequence: first the means and then the goal. That is the “attraction part” in the “Law of Attraction” and can be formulated as follows: we do not attract the goal, but by holding on to the goal we attract the causes and circumstances that will achieve our goal.

However, our first priority should never be to seek for the means to achieve the goal. We must always stick to the goal as if it had already been achieved. If this goal is worthy and appropriate (fantasies and stupidities cannot be achieved, naturally), moreover, we are worthy of it, the holding on to the goal alone will attract all the means to achieve it.

These means will never come to us in the way we imagined. They always appear in a unique way, in accordance with realistic circumstances, our way of life, and the temptations that we must master firstly  in order to be worthy of our goals. Therefore, we must always be ready to accept them and do what needs to be done. That is the only way for achieving our goal.

Finally, the essence of the Law of Attraction lies in the relation to the present moment. The present moment is the only reality and the basis of attraction. Our emotional attitude towards the present moment defines what we attract for our next moment.


Present moment: here and now

If we truly love and enjoy the present moment, we will then attract more of what we will love and enjoy in the future. If we hate the present moment for any reason, and we want it to change, so we could have a better time in the future, we will automatically attract more of what we will hate.

There can be something bothersome to us in the next moment, that we may want to change as well. However, we will only carry it with us further into the future. We always attract what is similar to us  – what is here and now.

It is difficult to understand this and apply this phenomenon properly because there is always something bothering us in the present moment, and the mind is always crucified at the brink of time. It projects its future wishes, holding on to the traumas of the past, avoiding the unpleasant present.

To overcome this, we should devote 10 minutes of our day to a short meditation. Let’s leave aside all the problems that are tormenting us here and now. Let’s single out something we love, something we are grateful for and enjoy, even a little. It can be a thing, a person, a relationship, or a situation. To simply enjoy it, to feel the gratitude, as if it is all we need, even ten minutes will be enough.

It should be done on a daily basis. Gradually increase the number of minutes and things we are grateful for and we enjoy. It won’t be necessary to extend the list substantially because by enjoying things here and now, we will automatically attract more to enjoy in the “here and now” of tomorrow. This is how the present moment works.


The dimensions of nature in man

In all esoteric traditions the nature of reality gets described using these elements: earth, water, fire, air. These elements symbolically represent the dimensions of reality.

In order to understand how the law of attraction really works, we must realize the fact that the man is made up of the dimensions of nature and they exist and correlate within every single person.

Therefore, a man has thoughts (air), by which the will and the energy (fire) are determined. The will and  energy are the tools with which he then specifically creates his wishes in his imagination through his feelings (water) until the idea materializes (the element of the earth) physically.



The findings that have been presented suggest that to make the law of attraction start working you need both sacred part and esoteric part to work together. Skipping the usual order of causation by meditating is the starting point for you to begin the process of accomplishment. The only reality and basis of the attraction is the present moment and we should always be aware of the fact that we attract what is similar to us – what is here and now.

For more detailed information check out my book The Process of Realization.


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